Entertainment, Advice, The Average Joe, and of course my own personal woes... What will I talk about? Who knows? I've decided that I need a larger space to record my countless rants. Like to hear it? Here it goes...

Tiger Woods STRIPPED

Well, well, well... Take a look at Mr. Woods. At first site I asked, "Why would he pose for this picture?" However, I learned that this photo among others featured in the latest issue of Vanity Fair were snapped by famed photographer Annie Lebovitz four years ago. How ironic to now display these photos which appear to be an alter ego of the renowned golfer.

Vanity Fair feeds into the sensationalism of Tiger's current scandal by running these photos as the main selling point of this issue. Once, the seemingly quintessential suburban family man... a good ol' well rounded Black boy if you will; Tiger is now depicted as strong and menacing... thuggish!

This is an image that is all too prevalent when it comes to Black men in the media. They usually appear to be hyper-masculine with a prevalent theme of violence. So if you ask me... I will tell you that there is an underlying racial connotation to these photos.

While these pictures may have been taken some time ago, there is no mistake that they've surfaced to the cover of this magazine for a reason. Feature covers may be decided months in advance, but a team of editors have the ability to go back to the drawing board at any given time.

Admittedly, Tiger does look rather attractive in this photo and I don't really consider him an attractive guy. So... what does that say? Is this the standard of sexy for a Black man? It is certainly the relentless, undying portrayal of a Black man. Don't believe me? Take a look at other black men in the media. Tiger was one of the very few considered by some as "white-bred"... However, never quite Black enough among African Americans, and certainly not White among Caucasians. No matter how Tiger defined or redefined his race... If there was ever any question... Ms. Lebovitz and Vanity Fair managed to remind the world of his dominant race.

I'd love to hear your comments on this one... Feel free to post them below (no need to register/login).


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