Entertainment, Advice, The Average Joe, and of course my own personal woes... What will I talk about? Who knows? I've decided that I need a larger space to record my countless rants. Like to hear it? Here it goes...

Kanye West proves to be an IGNORANT PRICK.

Kanye West needs his ass WHOOPED!!! I've never seen anyone so rude, arrogant and absurdly pompous as this ugly ass critter. In the middle of Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for Best Female Video, this flamboyant prick (Kanye) managed to completely belittle her win. UNBELIEVABLE!!! WHAT NERVE!!!!

Now you see... Taylor is much better than me. She stood there awestruck like a damn deer caught in headlights. My first thought would have been to take that award and beat Mr. West into a bloody pulp. However, the more tamed, classier side of me would have made a rather wise comment such as... "Thank you Kanye for your MARVELOUSSS interpretation of a walking, talking dick... everyone give him a HAND."

This man really needs to be force fed a slice of humble pie. You would think after life changing events... i.e. laying on your death bed with your jaw wired shut or perhaps the sudden death of your mother, you would try to be a better person.

Kanye posted an apology on his official blog saying, "I feel like Ben Stiller in "Meet the Parents" when he messed up everything and Robert De Niro asked him to leave... That was Taylor's moment and I had no right in any way to take it from her. I am truly sorry." PLEASE!!! He isn't sorry for what he did. However, he was right in saying "I am truly sorry"... because he is one sorry ass excuse for a man.

Remember Kanye... you've only made it this far because of the little people. Ride this wave as long as you can because when it crashes... your ass is finished.


♥ t i f f a n y said...

Yea, he's going through a lot. With his mother's death and everything you can tell that there's something missing and something in his life that he's just not content with.

I really couldn't believe that he did it when I saw it. My jaw literally dropped. But w/e. MTV did give him a chance to public apologize on the stage, but of course he refused. He was saucy, drinking on the red carpet and at the bar that was in there. Though that's no excuse...it's Kanye.

What did you think of Beyoncé's acceptance speech (or lack of) for the video of the year award?

DJ 2-Cents said...

Regardless to what he is going through... He has always been rudely arrogant and pompous. He literally thinks his shit doesn't stink. Drinking on the red carpet with that train-wreck he was with (Amber Rose)looking as if she was an extra from that old TV show, "Alien Nation."

I thought Beyonce proved to be a class act by stepping aside during her acceptance speech to allow Taylor her limelight... However, as always... I believe that Beyonce lacks a certain eloquence when she speaks that I expect from her.

Anonymous said...

Your ass is a mess but hey when your right your right!

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