Just look at this! Granted... it is the summer! However, what would possess her to put on that tank without a bra? If you look closely you can spot her nipple.
Lastly, I sincerely hope that she is pregnant, otherwise that loose gut is purely the result of gluttony... I mean really, you can locate her navel. Eww!
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. Upon ascending from the sub-dwellings of NYC... this is what greeted me at the top of the stairs.
Before I rip into this Bodacious Boriqua... Who in the hell still uses a pay phone? I guess none other than The Big, The Bold & The Busted!!! I mean after all... with such a scanty, whorish ensemble, I'm going to assume there wasn't an available space to put a cell phone.
Once again, you can see the imprint of this victim's navel. The tawdry top exposes the entirety of her side and back. Clearly this top was not made for a woman of a certain size. I've said it before and I will say it again... JUST BECAUSE THEY MADE IT IN YOUR SIZE, DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD WEAR IT. I only wish the ph
oto was clearer so you could see the resemblance between her and "Slimer" from The Ghostbusters.

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