Entertainment, Advice, The Average Joe, and of course my own personal woes... What will I talk about? Who knows? I've decided that I need a larger space to record my countless rants. Like to hear it? Here it goes...
Lady Gaga was working with more than just a "poker face" at the VMAs... Normally, she would be one of my picks for Worst Dressed, but clearly she was trying to make a statement as these looks were garrishly costumey. Six costume changes over the course of a few hours? Let's take a looksie:
Big Bird + Crow + The Mad Hatter + Phantom of the Opera = Lady Gaga?
1st costume change for her performance of "Paparazzi"
Who would've thought Satan was among us as Lady Gaga?

Miss Gaga's final looks of the evening... I can't figure out what that nest is on her head. However, I think we're looking at the successor of Amy Winehouse (train wreck)... If you look closely at the center picture, you can see Gaga "powered" her nose. This girl already appears certifiable... please let her stay away from drugs before she ends up singing her own rendition of "Rehab."
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