Here ye! Here ye! To all of my fellow New Yorkers... Are you as sick of hearing about and seeing Governor Paterson as much as I am?
Everyone enjoys a juicy scandal, however none of Paterson's indiscretions are even remotely worth the amount of media attention he is receiving. Not even the thought of him fumbling to find the "wet-spot" on his mistress was tabloid worthy.
Last week the news cut into my daytime soap opera with an announcement from Gov. Paterson himself... a long winded explanation as to why he has decided not to continue his campaign for reelection.
Who GIVES a flying fuck??? I'm am so sick of seeing this retched looking blind bastard every time I turn on my television. Furthermore, would his PR rep please have him put on some dark sunglasses? Must we always have to look at his eyes swirling around in his head? Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder had/have the good sense to wear sunglasses, so what the hell is his problem?
I'm probably going to Hell in a handbasket for this post, but I'm sure I'll be in good company.
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