Entertainment, Advice, The Average Joe, and of course my own personal woes... What will I talk about? Who knows? I've decided that I need a larger space to record my countless rants. Like to hear it? Here it goes...
Denim usually seems like a safe bet when choosing an outfit for the day. Designer labels such as True Religion, Seven (for all mankind), Rag & Bone, and Citizens of Humanity have really revolutionized the style of denim. However!!! Denim done right... still requires some sort of "Fashion Cense". Whether you're a women's size 2 or 20/men's 30 or 50 there is a flattering pair of jeans out there for you.
With this said, some people tend to go terribly wrong when it comes to denim... let's take a look shall we?
Thanks to Street Correspondent, Kristen... we are now reaching out to new cities. She managed to snap the following shot, "In-Transit" on a city bus in Atlanta, Georgia:
Osh Kosh B'Gosh!!! Why did this man choose to put his big ass in a pair of denim carpenter overalls? Your guess is as good as mine. I'm not even mad that his derriere looks as if someone filled his Hanes with cooked oatmeal... It's the fact that a grown man is wearing overalls and he isn't slashing hay on a farm. Overalls are only cute on toddlers. While they were slightly in style in the 80's/early 90's in the days of Cross Colors, I can assure you... they certainly aren't fashionable today. I mean really... take a good look. The pockets are located on the sides of his cheeks, making his buttocks appear that much larger. Let's not overlook the fact that his ass is snacking on the denim which is causing them to ride up his legs. Sir? SIR!!! This is not the look!
Next! I caught this woman on line in my favorite fast food eatery, Joe's Best Burger: 
This woman is quintessentially "pear" shaped. This figure is the result of those that carry the bulk of their weight below the waist, thus resembling a pear. Because of their disproportionate weight, buying clothes that fit properly while flattering their shape can be a real bitch.
Let me tell you where this woman went wrong. First and most important... she should have went up a size. Much like the man on the bus... her ass and inner thighs are swallowing half the denim. This is resulting in an extreme case of "high waters" (pants too short). If she was to walk another city block she would be wearing Capri's. Had she went up one size and chose a thicker denim, this wouldn't have been much of an issue. She likely chose a smaller size because to purchase pants that properly fit her bottom, would likely result in a larger/baggy waist.
Her next major issue is color. She should have opted for a dark wash/indigo denim. This would've been visually slimming, especially if they were lightly distressed in certain key areas.
Last but certainly not least, she never should have worn that jacket. There are two problems with that jacket beyond it's color. First, it sits above her backside. An easy way to minimize would be to have something that sits a little lower (at least at the hip line). Second, that gaudy gold trimming at the bottom of her jacket simply accentuates the size of her buttocks by dissecting and acting as an outline. Instead of the jacket? She should have chosen a flattering blouse/sweater in an eye catching color/print... this matched with dark jeans would've drawn the eyes to her top, thus minimizing her bottom.
As always!!! If you see a hot mess in your travels and manage to snap a shot, please feel free to email them to me at
Censibility@gmail.com for my in-depth review.
Totally agree about getting a proper pair of fitted jeans. Apparently there is a company called 'Not Your Daughters Jeans' that cater for ladies who have wardrobe malfunctions (!) like those abovve. Please, please check it out ladeez.
Oooh Thanks for the comment Annie. I hope those who've read will look into that company. I will actually have another post in the near future about low-rise jeans (not meant for everyone). I'll be sure to mention this company. P.S. Sry for the late response.
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