If you haven't already joined this inked society, I would think twice before doing so. The following is an example of the distasteful nature of many tats:
How tacky could she possibly be? If you are going to get a tattoo, you should certainly refrain from placing them on your hands, neck, face, chest etc. When I see people like this, I wonder who will actually hire them for a job. If you are going to get a tattoo, it should be in a more obscure place. This is much more important for women, as their clothing tends to reveal more skin. Tattoos of this nature make you look as if you just completed 5-10 in the state pen. Though she has a rather innocent face... those tats against that washed out complexion says she'll cut a bitch.

An ongoing trend that never seems to fade away are tattoos of names. I think this is absolutely GHETTOOOO... I don't care whose name it is, I just don't like it. For those of you who choose too plaster a name on your body, please have the god given COMMON CENSE :o) not to place the name of your mate anywhere on your body. Tattoos are permanent but relationships aren't. Be smart! Furthermore, why would you want to brand yourself as the property of someone else? Just because you place it in a more intimate area, doesn't make it acceptable. Think about the next guy or gal who'll have to stare at it... in between the sheets.
Alright Cencio, I agree with you on putting the name of someone else on your body. I don't get why you would want something that lasting on you when you know damn well the relationship will end like a prison sentence....in 2-4 years. That shit never did make any sense to me. I also view someone putting their own name on their skin as a personal name tag.
I do however, disagree with you somewhat about the tattoos on the hand. I happen to like tats on the wrists or the back of the hand. I'm not saying I would go out and get one, I just think that there are people who have really lovely ones. I know the argument can be said that tattoos on any place on the body can be lovely but does that mean it should be there, but im just saying...
I won't even get into the whole issue of hiring someone who has a tattoo in noticeable areas because that my friend, is a blog in itself...
Perhaps a small, dainty, simple little flower, heart etc. on a wrist... However, this is a very appearance based world, and sometimes what others think... matters. In the words of Heidi Klum, "You're In!" or "You're Out!" While something small and simple may be okay, some people will create a nativity scene on their hand.
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