Just finished peeling through my college yearbook that just arrived today. Now for the critique: Way too juvenile for a college yearbook. It is the equivalent of a H.S yearbook... The only thing that was missing was "senior superlatives." Did we really have a "well wishes" page for personal messages?
The cover was designed to resemble a magazine, complete with highlights from the school year. Who graces the cover? None other than our dopey ass, childlike mascot... the Red Dragon. The dumb thing looks like "Puff the Magic Dragon" except this prick is red. It would have been impossible for us to be a Division I school with such a silly school representative.
There were some fairly nice photographs of the campus (thought I'd throw that in to be positive).
Anyway, as for the actual pics... more than half of the graduating class failed to pose for a picture. What is the point of a yearbook if there is barely a soul in the damn thing. Some of those whose pictures are in the book should've skipped the photo session. How in hell are you going to show up for senior pictures in a damn sweatshirt? There was even a tawdry tiara that adorned one girl's head.
The closing page consisted of a slew of photos of the same damn people including the Senior Class President and friends... Really?
Not all pictures of the departmental faculty have there names listed... and if they were, they weren't listed in order from left to right... so you wouldn't know who the hell you were looking at unless you personally know the professor. Was this really edited?
I really wish I would have been more active in various areas while in school, to prevent such atrocities. I have a ton of ideas that would have made this book a much more unique way to remember a graduating (college) class. I'm sure some of you are saying, "if you know so much and have so much to say, why weren't you on the yearbook committee?" I have three words for you: KISS MY ASS!!! I had enough stress and crap piled on my plate, at least I had the good sense not to add anything extra and half-ass it just so I can list it on my resume or a grad school application. Bottom line... Those who can step, step! Those who cannot, step back!
Finally, I leave you with a quote from the President, Nancy Kleniewski: "I am confident that your education prepared you well for a successful future." Well Nancy... I sure wish I shared your confidence, because right about now... I am feeling BROKE, BUSTED and DIGUSTED.
AMEN my brother...
LMAO! I love this post, now I have to do my mile run to the mailbox...SMH
I wouldn't run to retrieve this shit. All I have to say is thank god I didn't shell out any extra money for this... otherwise I would've been HIGHLY upset.
that was def a JOKE WHEN I SEEN IT!! it would have been very cute for a HS graduation! anyways love the new web design PUNK!!
Thank you! I am glad I'm not the only one who noticed that our yearbook was a total mess. I thought for sure they sent me the rough draft.
i love you cencio... reading this is definitely a good time.
PS being broke and having no real job sucks. Fuck life after college
What you should write about is how the class of 08 still hasnt gotten their yearbooks because of some scandal.
I can assure you... based on the '09 yearbook, you aren't missing out on very much. My yearbook is currently serving as a laptop stand.
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