Entertainment, Advice, The Average Joe, and of course my own personal woes... What will I talk about? Who knows? I've decided that I need a larger space to record my countless rants. Like to hear it? Here it goes...

Okay... as if we haven't already heard enough about Michael Jackson, yet another story emerges. It seems as if every skeleton is coming out of MJ's closet... well all except for himself. The gossip mill is in full effect as rumors have it that Omer Bhatti (early 20's) of Norway is the product of a one night romp between MJ and a Norwegian fan. Bhatti allegedly wants a DNA test as he has managed to convince himself that he is in fact the child of MJ. As seen in the photos, he was seated with the Jackson family during the memorial. Other reports say that Bhatti was just a child MJ impersonator whose performance gained MJ's attention. Rumor also has it that Bhatti lived at the Never Land ranch (hmmph! Him and apparently every other young white boy).
Now, if I may... people are trying to point out a possible resemblance to the late King of Pop. How on god's green earth can this be done when Michael morphed from a Black boy to a White woman? At the time of Jackson's death, I don't believe that there was one natural remaining feature on his face. I'm going to go as far as to say I doubt that Bhatti hasn't had some plastic surgery himself. Take a look at that unnatural looking clef in his chin... Daddy's lil boy I guess. Above and beyond all of that and I know that I am not alone here... It does not seem as if MJ's plat du jour (dish of the day) ever consisted of the female persuasion.
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